Invest in women and underserved communities 

Record funds raised at 5th Annual STEM Advantage Scholarship fundraiser!
Thanks to our generous sponsors and guests, we raised $151,000 and netted $130,000 for STEM Advantage Scholarships !

On Saturday, April 29, at our 5th annual scholarship fundraiser, we raised a record amount to fund STEM Advantage Scholarships! 

Frank Mottek of KNX Business News and Mottek on Money served as Master of Ceremony generously donating his time.  STEM Advantage Scholars Amy, Bianca, Danielle, Antonella and Ben shared their inspiring stories and how everyone involved with STEM Advantage is making a difference. 

Special thanks to Frank and our Scholars, speakers, Fundraising Chair Carole Schlocker, and Silent Auction Chair Melissa Norton for organizing an amazing auction featuring Hamilton tickets and other great experiences. 

We also want to thank our Board of Directors, sponsors, donors, university partners, internship partners, mentors and guests. Plus, all of our talented STEM Advantage Scholars and alumni, who are the best advocates for our program.
Your generous donations fund STEM Advantage Scholarships for STEM students at Cal State Dominguez Hills, Cal State LA, and Cal State Northridge. Plus, will enable us to add a fourth CSU campus Cal State Long Beach this year.

If you were unable to join us, please consider making a donation to support more scholarships this year.  100% of your donation goes directly to fund STEM Advantage Scholarships for women and underserved students.
We Thank Our Generous Sponsors
STEM Advantage is a 501(c)(3) public charity. 
Gifts are deductible to the full extent available under IRS regulations. 
For more information, please contact Lee Ann Kline or 949.322.3320