Our Freshmen STEM Career Pathways program increases awareness of STEM career paths and the value of a STEM degree to drive persistence in a STEM major. This program positions freshman students to join the STEM Advantage Scholars program as a sophomore so they can gain the additional benefits of individualized mentorship, a scholarship, internship and career support. The STEM Career Pathways program is comprised of three key components: mentoring circles with STEM Advantage Alumni, professional and career development programs, and a combination of virtual and in-person community building opportunities.

Professional and Career Development
Professional Development workshops and webinars provide skills and information to help scholars in their school programs, understand STEM career options, and prepare to find internships. Gaining these insights as freshmen will help scholars determine what career paths interest them, allowing them to plan their classes and activities early to help stand out in competitive hiring environments. Career Panels help scholars understand STEM careers in diverse industries and get advice from STEM Advantage Alumni and career professionals.
Mentoring Circles
Mentoring circles led by STEM Advantage mentors help scholars acclimate to the university environment and to the STEM Advantage program. Mentors provide invaluable real-world insight and guidance on how to optimize their university experience.

Transitioning to college can be overwhelming for students whose backgrounds are underrepresented in STEM degree programs. STEM Advantage provides a network of other scholars that acts as a close-knit support system. In-person events at universities local companies provide opportunities for scholars to meet other students and STEM professionals. Online discussion groups are also available to connect scholars so they can address common concerns, celebrate victories, and provide peer support and guidance to each other.